2023 was a year to remember, and the appetizer for a historic 2024

As has been the norm since its inception, 2023 has been a dynamic year – the ninth – in terms of business and media activity for IBERIAN Insurance Group. With numerous events, sponsorships, news, and developments over 12 months, the underwriting agency has continued to establish itself as a reference in the sector, setting the stage for a promising 2024: its 10th anniversary, accompanied by many announcements throughout this special year for the company.

Let’s review the highlights of 2023:


As evident, IBERIAN’s presence and activities in 2023 were noteworthy. With nine years of growth and a solid brand identity, the company is well-established in the Spanish insurance mediation sector. However, this is just a taste of what’s to come in a potentially groundbreaking 2024. Stay tuned!

1 Response
  1. […] We already warned a year ago: 2024 was going to be a historic year for IBERIAN Insurance Group. For many reasons, moreover. The year we now bid farewell has been a period of growth and consolidation for IBERIAN Insurance Group, marked by significant milestones that reinforce its leadership position in the underwriting agency sector in Spain. Below, we highlight the main news that have defined this year for our MGA: […]

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