
IBERIAN increases its commitment to Surety insurance in 2024

IBERIAN Insurance Group has announced, during the celebration on November 16 of its ninth anniversary, the expansion of its capacity in the Surety business by more than 30% in 2024, within its strategy of consolidation as a specialist underwriting agency and benchmark in these insurance products in the Spanish market. In this regard, it should […]

ASASE, the “single voice” of underwriting agencies in Spain, begins its new journey with Dario Spata at the head of the association

ASASE, the Association of Spanish Underwriting Agencies (formerly ASASEL), has announced its official launch with the launch of a new corporate image and website (, and the adhesion of seven new agencies to the organization. It should be recalled that, last April, ASASE took the decision, during its assembly and under the chairmanship of IBERIAN […]

IBERIAN Insurance Group attends Miami (re)Insurance Week 2023

During the week of February 13-17, 2023, IBERIAN Insurance Group traveled to Miami (USA) to participate in the (re)Insurance Week 2023 held in the city of the state of Florida. The company was represented by Dario Spata, CEO; Cristian Mateos, Senior Underwriter & Partner, and Fernando Molano, Surety Underwriter. Thus, the Sevillian underwriting agency attended […]

2022 gives way to a 2023 to “eat it up”!

As we do at the end of every year, it’s time to take a look back over the last 12 months at IBERIAN Insurance Group. Will you join us on this journey to remember what we’ve done in 2022? 2022 began with a visit to IBERIAN’s new headquarters in the first issue of Actualidad Aseguradora […]

IBERIAN to double this year’s growth by 2023 with new acquisitions

The risk underwriting agency IBERIAN Insurance Group celebrated its eighth anniversary on November 17, entitled #I8erianDay, an event attended by nearly a hundred mediation professionals, representatives of binders and other personalities from the Spanish and international insurance sector. It was the company’s headquarters, the IBERIAN Building located in the Nervión neighborhood of Seville, the setting […]

IBERIAN, present at Lloyd’s Europe’s ILICA Event 2022

On October 20, the traditional annual ILICA Event, organized by Lloyd’s Europe in collaboration with ILLCA, was held at the Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan (Italy), an event attended by IBERIAN Insurance Group, represented by Dario Spata, CEO, and Cristian Mateos, Senior Underwriter & Partner, as Lloyd’s coverholder underwriting agency. During the day, Dawn Miller, commercial […]

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