The Professional Civil Liability insurance for engineers and engineering companies protects against professional errors that cause damage to third parties caused by their professional activity in engineering, with any compensation that may be due as well as any defence and surety costs that may affect them.
Request more infoThe Professional Civil Liability insurance for technical and/or superior architects and architectural companies covers damages caused by the insured during the period of coverage, damages caused to third parties by errors, omissions or negligence in the performance of their professional activity, where the possible patrimonial, personal or material damages are covered, depending on the coverage that the insured person contracts.
Request more informationProfessional Civil Liability insurance for security companies covers damage caused by an error, omission or negligence of the insured in the exercise of his professional activity during the period of insurance coverage. We offer a wide range of insurance coverage with very good economic conditions for these types of companies, including theft cover and entrusted objects.
Request more infoThe Professional Civil Liability insurance for companies, associations, clubs or self-employed persons who provide Active Tourism services or who organise events covers claims made for the first time against them for damage caused to third parties as a result of a negligent act, error or omission on the part of the Insured committed in the exercise of their insured professional activity.
See the activities we ensureThe Professional Civil Liability Insurance for Lawyers includes companies and individuals, covering claims made for the first time against them, for damage caused to third parties as a result of the negligent act, error or omission of the Insured committed in the exercise of their insured professional activity.
View our activitiesThe Professional Civil Liability insurance for Miscellaneous activities includes a wide variety of professional activities of companies and self-employed persons, covering claims made for the first time against them, for damage caused to third parties as a result of a negligent act, error or omission of the Insured committed in the exercise of their insured professional activity.
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